Advantages of adding economizer to screw chiller

Advantages of adding economizer to screw chiller Sharing the advantages of adding economizers to screw chillers: The temperature control range of the standard screw chiller is 3~35℃, and the efficiency is significantly reduced when operating under lower temperature conditions. In order to meet the temperature requirements of more industries for chillers, make the single-stage screw compressor work according to the two-stage refrigeration cycle and achieve the effect of energy saving, an economizer can be added to the unit. The refrigeration system of the screw chiller with economizer has two forms: primary throttling and secondary throttling. For the primary throttling system, the refrigerant liquid from accumulator 4 is divided into two ways, the main one is from economy The coil in the device 5 flows through, releases heat and is supercooled, and then is throttled by the throttle valve 8 and enters the evaporator 6 for refrigeration; the other way passes the throttle valve 7 to reduce pressure and enters the economizer 5 to absorb heat The flash gas is generated, passes through the intermediate air supplement port on the screw compressor body, enters the elementary volume that is in the initial stage of compression, and is mixed with the gas from the evaporator to be compressed. For the secondary throttling screw chiller refrigeration system, the refrigerant liquid from the accumulator 4 passes through the throttle valve 7 to the economizer 5, and the flash gas generated at the upper part enters through the compressor air inlet and is in the compression stage In the basic element volume, the original gas continues to be compressed; the lower liquid is throttled for the second time by the throttle valve 8, and then enters the evaporator 6 for refrigeration. The refrigerant liquid entering the evaporator undergoes a secondary throttling and the temperature before the secondary throttling is the same as the temperature of the gas entering the air supplement port.   Whether it is the primary throttling mode or the secondary throttling mode, it is to make the refrigerant that enters the evaporator supercool, and eventually increase the cooling capacity. At the same time, after the air is supplemented, the mass of the elementary volume gas is increased, and the compression work is also increased to a certain extent, but the increase efficiency is slower than that of the cooling capacity, so the cooling coefficient of the chiller is improved, which has an energy saving effect. For the screw chiller with an economizer, its refrigeration compressor has a wide range of operation, a large single-stage pressure ratio, and can achieve the best operation during unloading operation, and the processing is basically the same as that of a single-stage screw refrigeration compressor. Valves and equipment have not increased much, so the screw chiller is suitable for use in various industries.

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