Common failures and maintenance methods of industrial dehumidifiers

Common failures and maintenance methods of industrial dehumidifiers What are the common failures of industrial dehumidifiers? How do industrial dehumidifiers repair these faults? Or as a technician, you usually deal with these common faults. This article will talk to you about the common faults and maintenance methods of industrial dehumidifiers. Industrial dehumidifier failure analysis and maintenance method Failure phenomenon 1: The industrial dehumidifier shuts down quickly after it is turned on, and it can be restarted after a long time. The dehumidification effect is very poor. Check the fault: (1) The wind speed of the air outlet is lower than the normal value; ( 2) Use a multimeter to measure the resistance value between the lead wires of the fan motor and find that it is much lower than the normal value.   Maintenance method: According to the detection situation, it is judged that the fan motor winding coil is short-circuited, which causes the fan speed to decrease and the air volume to reduce. Replace it with a new fan motor and troubleshoot. Reason analysis: The compressor of the industrial dehumidifier is a rotary compressor, which has poor heat resistance, the motor speed of the fan is reduced, and the air volume is reduced, that is, the air flow through the condenser is reduced, causing the compressor discharge pressure to increase, resulting in compressor overheat protection (Shutdown), the compressor overheating can only be reduced to normal after a long time cooling, so the compressor can be restarted after long time cooling.    Failure phenomenon 2: The industrial dehumidifier is operating normally, the relative humidity of the environment is 85% to 90%, but the amount of dehumidification of the industrial dehumidifier is very small.    Check the fault: turn on the air inlet plate of the industrial dehumidifier, let the industrial dehumidifier run, check the evaporator, and find that only a few U-shaped tubes have condensed water, and the surface of the other U-shaped tubes is dry; further inspection reveals that there is oil traces on a pipeline interface. The household dehumidifier is judged to be leaking.   Maintenance method: release the refrigerant, weld the joint leakage, re-evacuate, inject refrigerant, and eliminate the fault. Fault phenomenon 3: The industrial dehumidifier was repaired once after being used for more than a year. At that time, the test machine was normal, and it was used after a period of suspension. It was found that the compressor and fan were normal, but the dehumidification effect was very poor, at a relative humidity of 83% In the environment with a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius, very little water condenses. Check the fault: (1) the surface of the air filter and the condenser of the evaporator are very clean (2) there is no oil trace on the surface of the pipe (3) the capillary is near the evaporator, and the frost appears soon, and it will frost after a period of time , The compressor can run again. (4)) Wrap the interface between the capillary and the evaporator with a hot towel, and the dehumidification is normal. It is judged that the refrigeration system is ice blocked.   Maintenance method: It belongs to ice blocking fault. Clean all refrigerants with high water content in the system, and purge the system with nitrogen at a pressure of 0.3MPa, then evacuate with a vacuum pump for about 20min, then add the amount of refrigerant required by the original machine, and refrigerate for 30min. Stop and evacuate for 30 minutes or longer, check that the vacuum degree meets the requirements, charge the correct amount of refrigerant, start the operation, and eliminate the fault. Reason analysis: When the machine is being repaired, water vapor may enter the system or be filled with a refrigerant with a large water content. When the elemental water is at the interface between the capillary and the evaporator, the temperature is lower than 0 degrees Celsius due to the throttling of the refrigerant. At this point, needle-shaped ice crystals are formed, and the ice crystals accumulate, slowly blocking the capillary tube, the refrigerant cannot flow, and cannot dehumidify (refrigeration), and the compressor shuts down due to protection. The air heating capillary melts the ice crystals, and the compressor can resume operation. After so repeated, the dehumidification effect becomes very poor. Fault phenomenon 4: After the industrial dehumidifier is repaired, the power is turned on and the noise is increased, and the dehumidification effect is very poor. Check the fault: (1) Check that the structure of the industrial dehumidifier is not abnormal, and the placement is stable; (2) Check the noise mainly from The compressor (3) evaporator has no abnormal shape and no frost. (4) There is more frost on the return air pipe, and the refrigerant charge is too much. Maintenance method: properly drain some refrigerants and turn on again, the industrial dehumidifier returns to normal; analysis of the reason: when the industrial dehumidifier is repaired, the refrigerant is not charged according to the standard requirements, the charge is too much, causing liquid shock to cause compression The noise of the machine increases, and the droplets in the return air continue to evaporate in the return air tube, causing frost on the surface of the return air tube.

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