Have you gotten the troubleshooting method of the spring chiller?

The core problem of compressor oper

Have you gotten the troubleshooting method of the spring chiller?

The cold will go all night, and the spring will come again. "At 5:29 on February 4, 2018, the northern hemisphere of the earth where we live entered the beginning of spring of the twenty-four solar terms, and the 24 solar terms opened a new cycle. At this point, the springs began to flow, the world and all things recovered, and all life began to sing. ...

   The weather has begun to warm up, and the refrigeration equipment in many factories has slowly begun to operate, and industrial chillers will also usher in the peak period of refrigeration. Of course, the frequent operation of the equipment will inevitably cause such and other small failures. Some chillers have passed the shelf life, and some are just small problems that are not worth looking for a refrigeration company to solve. Therefore, you may wish to learn more about the operation and maintenance of the chiller, solve the problem in time, and save the cost of equipment maintenance.

  1. When the high and low pressure of the chiller are higher than the normal pressure, one reason is that there is air in the system or excessive refrigerant is added. At this time, it is necessary to re-evacuate and add proper amount of refrigerant to solve the problem. Another situation is poor heat dissipation, especially when the ambient temperature is relatively high, which often leads to worse heat dissipation. The cause of this failure is generally that the heat sink is blocked, dirty, and the cooling fan speed is not enough. Try it after cleaning.

2. When the high and low pressure of the chiller is lower than the normal pressure, one reason may be that the refrigeration system is blocked, the blocked part has throttling, and there will be a significant temperature difference in the throttling part, which can be found by hand. problem. Another reason is the leakage of refrigerant, which leads to insufficient refrigerant. This situation is more common. At this time, it is necessary to use the chiller detector to find out the leaking location and perform replacement.

  3. When the high pressure of the chiller is low and the low pressure is high, the chiller refrigeration will never achieve the normal effect. The reason is likely to be the wear and tear of the chiller pump, which causes the power to drop. At this time, the compressor needs to be replaced.

   4. When the chiller is working, the pressure gauge jitters, indicating that there is moisture in the system. At this time, the vacuum needs to be re-evacuated, and the pumping time is not less than a quarter of an hour. If necessary, change the filter drier to completely remove the water in the refrigeration system.

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