Reasons for condensation at the bottom of the condenser

Reasons for condensation at the bottom of the condenser

1. It is abnormal if condensation occurs at the bottom of the condenser when the unit is running. It may be the reason for the low amount of refrigerant. At the same time, observe whether the position of the refrigerant outlet pipe is higher and the design liquid position of the condenser Depending on how high, the probability of this happening is very small.

  2. This situation may occur when the condenser is shut down, but it cannot be determined whether it is normal. When the unit is shut down, the pressure of the condenser is usually higher than the side pressure of the evaporator. If the discharge side of the compressor cannot effectively prevent the high-pressure gas from flowing back to the evaporator side during shutdown, liquid in the condenser will appear. Flashing causes condensation at the bottom of the condenser.

  When the unit is shut down for a long time, even if the evaporator and condenser can be effectively cut off, condensation will occur. If the unit is placed outdoors, after a long period of shutdown, the uneven temperature on the high-pressure side will cause the refrigerant to move to a place with a low temperature and migrate, resulting in condensation.

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