Solutions to HVAC water cycle failures

Solutions to HVAC water cycle failures

What are the common problems that occur during HVAC operation? What are the solutions? Come and find out with the editor of!

   1. Pay attention to pipeline quality.

Based on the above characteristics of circulating cooling water, the pipeline connection method is required to consider temperature, water pressure, corrosion resistance, and gap use failures. For example, the water circulation failure can be improved by reasonable arrangement of pipeline slope and elevation, and installation of exhaust valves. In practical applications, there are some Very strong operational significance. 2. Improve water quality. The treatment of cooling circulating water is divided into physical and chemical methods. For the cooling circulating water system, the physical method can be used for water quality treatment and continuous sewage discharge. There are certain standards for continuous sewage discharge control. For newly installed water systems, or systems that have been completely descaled, the sewage can also be discharged once a week or two weeks. Chemical methods include adding water stabilizer method and ion exchange method. The method of adding water quality stabilizer is to add water quality stabilizer with scale inhibition, corrosion inhibition, sterilization and algae killing effects to the circulating water to treat the circulating water. The water quality stabilizer formula to be added generally needs to be analyzed by water quality and determined by dynamic simulation.

  2. Solutions to water condensation.

   1) Reasonably choose the length of the air conditioning drain pipe. When designing the pipeline, the length and slope of the pipeline should be appropriate, otherwise dripping will occur. The installation and arrangement of the pipeline should be suitable for the condensed water to be discharged as soon as possible, and a water sealing device can be installed if necessary.

   2) Pay attention to the insulation of materials. Air ducts and chilled water pipes must be kept warm, and the heat preservation of the pipes must take care of two aspects, one is to ensure its integrity, and the other is airtightness. The integrity of the pipeline insulation requirements do not allow the existence of cold damage, once there is a cold damaged surface, insulation materials should be laid and heat insulation treatment. The airtightness of thermal insulation requires assurance that no damage is allowed on the thermal insulation layer, and the seal must be airtight.

In summary, regarding the current domestic HVAC system installation situation, in the actual installation and construction process, in addition to the above-mentioned problems, new problems will continue to arise. Managers and technicians continue to accumulate experience during the construction process. Strengthen professional skills, I believe that the future HVAC technology level will be higher and higher.

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