The harm of screw air compressor not being maintained on time

The harm of screw air compressor not being maintained on time

The screw air compressor must be regularly maintained. Many air compressor users think that they are fooling around. So why do air compressors need to be maintained, and what will happen if they are not regularly maintained? What is the harm?

   The results of irregular maintenance of the screw air compressor:

   The air filter element is not regularly blown or replaced, which will cause: the air filter element is blocked, the air intake volume is reduced, and the exhaust volume is also reduced. Unscheduled replacement will cause the negative pressure to increase and press through, pollutants enter the machine, block the oil filter, oil separation core, deterioration of cooling lubricating oil, and host wear.

  Oil filter is replaced irregularly: as the front and rear pressure difference increases, the excess oil decreases, and the main engine exhaust temperature rises and shuts down. If the front and rear pressure difference is too large, it will break down, pollutants enter the machine, block the oil separation core, and the main engine wears.

  The oil separation core is not replaced: As the pressure difference between the front and rear increases, the current of the main motor increases, and the exhaust volume decreases. If the front and rear pressure difference is too large and breakdown, the cooling lubricating oil will enter the pipeline with the air until it runs out, and the main engine will stop when the exhaust temperature rises.

  The oil pipe joints are not cleaned: if they are blocked, a small part of the oil will enter the pipe with the air after separation, resulting in large oil loss and oil shortage.

   Grease the main motor bearing from time to time: the bearing is worn out until the main motor burns out.

It can be seen from this that the maintenance of the screw air compressor is still like a car. After a certain period of time, regular maintenance should be done. The air compressor can be better maintained for you, just like the previous one. Just like a long-term job, the landlord will feed him so that he can work hard for you.

   The maintenance of screw air compressor is divided into 4 stages, namely: daily maintenance, monthly maintenance, quarterly maintenance, and annual maintenance. Next, we will make a detailed introduction.

  1 Daily maintenance

Check the oil level, check the air filter element and coolant level, check the hoses and all pipe joints for leaks, check that the consumable parts have reached the replacement cycle and must be stopped for replacement. Check the main engine exhaust temperature, which is at or close to 98°C. The oil cooler must be cleaned to check the separator pressure difference. When it reaches 0.6 Bar or more (the limit is 1 Bar) or the pressure difference begins to decrease, the separator should be shut down and replaced.

  2Monthly maintenance

Check the cooler, clean if necessary, check all wire connections and tighten them, check the contacts of the AC contactor, clean the dust on the surface of the motor suction port and the shell, clean the oil return filter, and check the air compressor settings Is consistent with the operation.

  3 quarterly maintenance

   Clean the main motor and fan motor, replace the oil filter element, clean the cooler, check the minimum pressure valve, safety valve, and check the sensor.

   4 annual maintenance

   Replace lubricating oil and oil and gas separator filter element, replace air filter element, oil filter, safety valve calibration, check elastic coupling, check cooling fan, clean automatic drain valve, add or replace motor grease.

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