Throttling mechanism

Throttling mechanism The throttling mechanism is one of the important components in the refrigeration device. Its function is to reduce the saturated liquid (or supercooled liquid) under the condensing pressure in the condenser or accumulator to the evaporating pressure and evaporating temperature after throttling. According to the load change, the flow rate of refrigerant entering the evaporator is adjusted. Commonly used throttling devices are capillary tube, thermal expansion valve, float valve, etc. If the amount of liquid supplied by the throttle mechanism to the evaporator is too large compared with the load of the evaporator, part of the refrigerant liquid will enter the compressor together with the gaseous refrigerant, causing wet compression or liquid shock accidents. Conversely, if the amount of liquid supplied is too small compared to the heat load of the evaporator, part of the heat exchange area of ​​the evaporator fails to fully play its role, even causing the evaporation pressure to decrease; and the cooling capacity of the system is reduced, the cooling coefficient is reduced, and the compressor ’s Exhaust gas temperature increases, affecting the normal lubrication of the compressor. The function and working principle of throttling mechanism When the refrigerant fluid passes through a small hole, part of the static pressure changes to dynamic pressure, the flow rate increases sharply, and becomes a turbulent flow. The fluid is disturbed, the friction resistance increases, and the static pressure decreases, so that the fluid achieves the purpose of reducing the pressure and adjusting the flow. Throttling is one of the four main processes indispensable for compression refrigeration cycles. The function of the throttle mechanism has two points: One is to throttle and reduce the high-pressure liquid refrigerant coming out of the condenser to the evaporating pressure The second is to adjust the amount of refrigerant liquid entering the evaporator according to the system load change

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