Today in the air-conditioning market is tomorrow for fresh air systems

Today in the air-conditioning market is tomorrow for fresh air systems Now we have a fresh air system for work and life, so that even if we are in a closed building environment, we can breathe fresh air. In fact, today's fresh air system has also gone a long way. As early as the late 1970s, the term "indoor air quality (IAQ)" appeared in some Western countries. Out of consideration for energy saving, the airtightness of the building has been greatly improved, resulting in insufficient indoor ventilation rate, resulting in frequent occurrence of indoor air pollution incidents. Some people experience symptoms such as headache, dry cough, dry and itchy skin, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, and sensitivity to odor. This condition, known as "pathogenic building syndrome", occurs in many countries and in developed countries. There are painful lessons in this regard. This has led to in-depth research and discussion on the impact of indoor air quality on human health, pollutants and their sources, and possible solutions. The World Health Organization has defined the following forms of "building syndrome": One. Eyes, especially cornea, nasal mucosa and larynx mucosa have irritation symptoms; two. Dry mucous membranes such as lips; three. The skin often develops erythema, measles, eczema, etc.; four. Easy to fatigue; Fives. It is easy to cause headache and respiratory infection symptoms; six. Frequent feelings of chest tightness and suffocation; Seven. Allergies of unknown cause often occur; Eight. Frequent feelings like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc. To improve indoor air pollution, the most direct and effective way to improve indoor air quality is to increase indoor air circulation. Accelerate the discharge of indoor polluted air and accelerate the injection of outdoor fresh air. Let's see what methods can we do this? 1. Open windows for ventilation. This most direct and original method of ventilation and exhaust is obviously undesirable and has many drawbacks. The windows are open and the airflow is blind. The chaotic airflow may bring the odor of the bathroom and kitchen into the living room and bedroom, and entrain a lot of dust. While affecting the indoor cleanliness and hygiene, it cannot avoid noise pollution; in addition, when using cold and heat source facilities Will cause energy waste, which is obviously undesirable in a modern society that pays attention to energy conservation. Moreover, in the sultry weather where outdoor air does not flow, even if the window is opened, the indoor air will not produce convection. 2. Use a ventilator. However, although the traditional ventilating fan has a large instantaneous exhaust volume, it can not continuously eliminate indoor odors. The working state of when it is turned on and off cannot be continuously ventilated and ventilated, the ventilation range is narrow, and the exhaust resistance increases when there is no fresh air inlet , The effect is greatly reduced. In addition, with the increase in the use time of the traditional ventilation fan, the noise problem will continue to increase, and the machine itself is easily damaged, and the cost of subsequent maintenance costs is high. 3. Air freshener. This is like "ear mask"-after spraying the air cleaning fragrance, it is equivalent to mixing with the original turbid indoor air and adding "camouflage", paralyzing the sense of smell, and the freshener itself contains harmful substances to the human body, indoor air The quality is even lower, causing secondary pollution. 4. Negative ion generator or air purification equipment. When the negative ion generator is used, the negative ions generated are easily neutralized by the positive charge, so the purification effect is limited, and only the original indoor air can be processed. As the indoor air pollution level increases, its processing capacity also gradually declines. In addition, air purification equipment can absorb some dust and other harmful substances, but it does not have the ability to adsorb harmful substances in the gas and repeatedly process the air, which has little effect on bacteria and viruses in the air. 5. Small household central air conditioner. Although it is brought back to the air outlet, it is only indoor circulation and cannot be fully exchanged with outdoor air. Because there is no exhaust air, the fresh air is difficult to feed in the positive pressure area. Although it has a slight fresh air, it cannot completely improve the indoor air quality and the dirty air cannot be quickly discharged. Outdoors, so that all the harmful substances in the room are still around. It can be seen that the traditional central fresh air system is a magic weapon to defeat the enemy and ease people's health crisis. However, with the development of time and the advancement of technology, the new air system will be more important than home air conditioners in the future. The fresh air system enters the civil residence from public buildings, forming a household fresh air system. With the increasing tightness of modern buildings, a large number of buildings attach great importance to airtightness and heat insulation during design and construction. Although the improvement in heat insulation, heat preservation and airtightness is significant, it also leads to a serious lack of indoor ventilation rate People with weaker systems often suffer from headache, dry cough, dry and itchy skin, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, and sensitivity to odor. They are called "pathogenic building syndrome". At this time, you need a fresh air system! In recent years, PM2.5 has gradually attracted everyone's attention, and the importance of indoor air quality has gradually been paid attention to, so the fresh air system has entered people's vision. The fresh air system is not a product of PM2.5. If the country manages the smog one day, does it not require a fresh air system? Even if there is no smog, life and health are inseparable from the fresh air system! 1. Ventilation Traditional ventilation methods such as window opening ventilation, temperature difference and height difference are affected by seasons and weather, outdoor air is not fresh, can not block noise and dust; ventilation fan ventilation has large instantaneous exhaust volume, but it cannot continuously remove harmful gases and cannot replenish the room The fresh air has short service life and large noise; the air conditioner only circulates the cold heat treatment of the original indoor air, and the fresh air volume is insufficient to fill in, which cannot exclude the secondary pollution caused by harmful gases and air ducts. 2. Reduce carbon dioxide Outdoors, carbon dioxide is one of the culprits of global warming. Indoors, human health impacts and driving safety concerns are one of the main reasons that cannot be ignored. In life, carbon dioxide is a gas that human beings produce all the time but are often overlooked. 3. Remove indoor pollutants According to the national authority’s air testing of newly renovated homes, more than 95% of the rooms have exceeded the formaldehyde content, and the most serious exceeded the standard by more than 60 times. More than 80% of the green environmental protection materials on the market are unqualified; a variety of “green" buildings The materials are used in closed rooms. Due to "superposed pollution", the harmful substances they emit far exceed the national emission standards, making indoors a much more polluted area than outdoor. Therefore, it is necessary to have an indoor ventilation system, which continuously inputs fresh air and purifies turbid air-for indoor and outdoor air exchange, the harmful gases generated are discharged outside, so that the concentration of indoor harmful gases is far Below the level that can harm human health. This shows that the fresh air system is more important than the home air conditioner. Today in the air-conditioning market is tomorrow for fresh air systems!

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