What is the maximum flow condition of a centrifugal compressor

What is the maximum flow condition of a centrifugal compressor

The working condition when the flow reaches the maximum is the maximum flow working condition. There are two possibilities for this working condition:

1. The air flow at the throat of a certain flow channel in the stage reaches a critical state, and the volumetric flow of the gas is at the maximum at this time. No matter the back pressure of the compressor is reduced, the flow cannot be increased. This working condition also becomes a "block "Working conditions.

2. The flow channel has not reached the critical state, that is, there is no "blocking" working condition, but the compressor has a large flow loss in the machine at a larger flow rate, and the exhaust pressure that can be provided is very small, almost close to zero Energy can only be used to overcome the resistance in the exhaust pipe to maintain such a large flow. This is the maximum flow condition of the centrifugal compressor.

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