What's wrong with air conditioning and cooling

What's wrong with air conditioning and cooling 1.The air conditioner lacks freon. Under such circumstances, the air conditioner cooling effect will be poor. 2. If there is a lot of dust and dirt in the filter, it will affect the heat dissipation effect, which will affect the cooling. 3. The outdoor temperature is too high, and it is difficult to lower the temperature by turning on the air conditioner at home. 4. Voltage problem, the power supply voltage of normal air conditioner is 220V, but if it is lower than 220V, the cooling effect will be greatly affected. Summer is coming soon, and the weather is getting hotter. But if the cooling effect of the air conditioner is not good after turning on, what is going on? Is there any good solution? 1. Why the cooling effect of air conditioner is not good 1. The simplest reason is that the air conditioner is already lacking freon. Some people have bought air conditioners for a long time. For example, after five or six years of use, some pipes may have aged or have cracks. The internal freon will be Leakage, especially in some old air conditioners, it uses Freon as the refrigerant, which will evaporate for a long time, or leakage caused by improper installation. In this case, the cooling effect of the air conditioner will not be good. 2.The air conditioners in some people's homes have not been cleaned for a long time. If there is a lot of dust and dirt in the filter, it will affect the heat dissipation effect, which will affect the cooling. After opening, it will increase energy consumption and turn on for a long time. None reached the expected temperature. 3. Another reason is that in summer, especially during the three-volt days, the outdoor temperature is too high. At this time, it is difficult to lower the temperature when the air conditioner is turned on. At this time, the cooling effect of the air conditioner will not be good. It is difficult for the air conditioner to dissipate the heat in the room. 3.Another reason is the voltage problem. The power supply voltage of a normal air conditioner is 220 volts, but if it is lower than 220 volts, it is difficult to start between 160 volts. At this time, the compressor cannot achieve good cooling at all. effect. Second, how to solve the problem of poor cooling effect 1. If it is because Freon is not enough, the solution is relatively simple, you can directly add Freon, as long as it is within the normal range, the cooling effect will be effective immediately. 2. When using the air conditioner, it is necessary to clean its filter regularly, and the air conditioner should be cleaned and maintained regularly, and the heat dissipation effect of the outdoor unit will be better. 4.If it is because of the hot weather problem, you can change the use environment of the outdoor unit, put the outdoor unit in a cool or well-ventilated place, and do the sunshade treatment. Editor's summary: When it is found that the cooling effect of the air conditioner is not good, we need to find out what is the cause, either the lack of Freon, or the outside weather is relatively hot, or the air conditioner has not been cleaned for a long time.

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