Why do air compressors need precision filters

Why do air compressors need precision filters

Precision filter is one of the most common configurations in air compressor post-processing equipment, so what does it do? Why configure filters? Summarize the following points for your reference:

  First of all, because the natural air sucked by the air compressor contains impurities such as moisture and dust, some of the lubricating oil in the air compressor will become gaseous after compression. Therefore, the compressed air directly discharged by the air compressor contains moisture, oil and dust. If the compressed air containing the above impurities is directly delivered to the pneumatic system, the reliability of the pneumatic system will be greatly reduced, and its service life will be shortened. The loss caused by this will be very huge, so the air compressor should be selected correctly. The device is very necessary.

In addition, if the air compressor filter is not used, the compressed air will suck in solid impurities such as rust falling off the inner wall of the pipe. If these impurities get stuck in the sliding gap of the directional control valve or the valve seat of the pressure control valve, it will cause malfunction. .

   When the air temperature drops, saturated water will precipitate. If water enters the control circuit and components, it will cause corrosion of the pipe network system and parts and wash away the lubricant film.

   Also, in special industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, etc., it is stipulated that sterilizing filters and deodorizing filters must be used.

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