Why the cooling effect of central air conditioning is not ideal

Why the cooling effect of central air conditioning is not ideal

Many users will encounter this situation. When the central air conditioner is turned on in the summer, the effect is acceptable. In winter, the effect of the air conditioner is much worse than the installation company introduced at the time, and there is basically no effect. In fact, this is not only a problem of equipment, but also related to factors such as the size of the design cooling capacity, the insulation of the house, the air supply method of the indoor air conditioner, and the operating environment of the outdoor unit.

   1. If the indoor wall insulation is not well done, it is unrealistic to have the heating effect in a short time. In reality, we have seen such a case: a user installed a household central air conditioner, but the apartment type with a wall around it has not been occupied yet, and the wall insulation is poorly done, resulting in the air conditioner being turned on for a long time. As a result, when I went to another apartment, I could feel that the apartment next door was a little warm. It can be seen that the wall insulation is not done well, causing heat loss. Not only the effect is not achieved, but the air conditioning operation time is also greatly extended. ;

2. If the indoor air distribution is not well done, the same problem will occur: For example, many users like to make a slot of about 50~100mm in the air outlet of the air conditioner. In this case, if it is in summer At that time, because the cold wind is sinking, the problem is not big, but in winter, it is difficult to meet the hot air supply in the room, because the hot air rises, and the hot air cannot be sent down due to the block of the trough. The circulation is in the upper part of the machine, and it is quickly drawn back by the return air, and the temperature sensor at the return air detects little change in temperature, and the outdoor unit will stop running, causing the air conditioner to be turned on for half a day or even all day without effect;

  3. If the outdoor unit is placed in an incorrect position, this will happen. For example: For some residential units, due to design reasons, it is often considered to be an equipment mezzanine between the two units. In this case, if the air outlet of the external unit is not processed, it will often form an air short circuit, so that the external unit of the air conditioner It will report faults continuously, and even jump high voltage protection directly.

   The above are only the three most common situations. The specific situation depends on your home. If the installation company you are looking for is responsible, you should find a solution or find a manufacturer.

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