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Hitachi Compressor SHV33YC6-U
Como usuario del compresor Hitachi SHV33YC6-U en una unidad de refrigeración comercial, puedo decirte que este compresor es una maravilla. Es muy eficiente energéticamente, lo que significa que me ha ahorrado mucho dinero en mi factura de electricidad. Además, es extremadamente silencioso, lo que es genial porque no molesta a mis clientes. También, el compresor tiene un coeficiente de rendimiento (COP) de al menos 2,5 a -10°C y de al menos 3,0 a 7°C. En términos de ruido, el nivel de ruido es inferior a 65 dB(A) a 1 metro de distancia.
Mark Rose
Hitachi Compressor SHV33YC6-U
I found exactly what I was looking for at a reasonable price. Hope it comes soon!
Hitachi Compressor SHV33YC6-U
The Hitachi Compressor SH307MV-C7HU is an ideal choice for us because of its high energy efficiency and ability to maintain precise temperature control even in high ambient temperatures and humidity levels. Based on our working environment, I estimate that the compressor can achieve a COP range of 3.5-4.0, resulting in significant energy savings. Overall, I believe that the Hitachi Compressor SH307MV-C7HU will be an important asset for our company, helping us save money on energy costs and maintain the quality and safety of our products.
Hitachi Compressor SHV33YC6-U
the compressor has proven to be remarkably robust, enduring the harsh conditions of the processing plant without requiring frequent maintenance.