Air conditioning maintenance, nine times out of ten, said that lack of fluoride, is it true or false How to judge the lack of fluoride in air conditioner

Air conditioning maintenance, nine times out of ten, said that lack of fluoride, is it true or false How to judge the lack of fluoride in air conditioner Every summer, the air conditioner is used most frequently, and the failure rate of the air conditioner is also the highest. For example, the power consumption increases, the cooling effect is poor, etc. There are many problems. Every time, we asked the air-conditioning master to come to the door for maintenance and inspection. The air-conditioning master always said "lack of fluoride". Adding a few hundred yuan of fluoride at a time, we didn't understand it ourselves. In the end, we could only obediently pull out the wallet. Fluorine lack of air conditioners has always been the best speech for air conditioner repair masters, because it is also the easiest way for them to make money, but is it true that air conditioners are lack of fluoride? I think it's better to learn to judge by yourself first. Today, the dean teaches you several methods to judge the lack of fluoride in air conditioners. Cooling effect Many people judge that the lack of fluoride in the air conditioner is based on the deterioration of the air conditioner cooling. In fact, this is also true. The cooling of the air conditioner mainly depends on the role of the refrigerant. If the refrigerant is insufficient, the cooling effect of the air conditioner is naturally not good. For example, the preset temperature of the air conditioner is 25 ° C, but the actual temperature is 28 ° C, which is probably due to lack of fluoride. Of course, the cooling effect is poor, but it is possible that there is a lack of fluorine, but it is not necessarily a lack of fluorine. It is not ruled out that the temperature sensor of the air conditioner is faulty, and the filter has too much dust accumulation and has not been cleaned, which causes the actual temperature to be different from the preset temperature. External machine status The operation of the air conditioner is a bit like a "heat handler". Under the action of the compressor, the refrigerant passes through the evaporator and the condenser to realize heat absorption and heat release, and continuously circulates. Under normal circumstances, when the indoor temperature reaches a preset value, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner will stop (the fan does not turn), and the outdoor unit will not restart until the indoor temperature rises; although the external unit of the inverter air conditioner will not stop, But it will change the frequency (the fan speed decreases). Therefore, we can observe the status of the outdoor unit to determine whether the air conditioner is deficient in fluoride. The air conditioner lacking fluoride will not shut down for a long time and will not reduce the speed. Mainly because the cooling effect is too poor to achieve the cooling effect, the compressor needs to maintain high power operation, and the power consumption is therefore increased. Connectors, pipes The refrigerant of the air conditioner is not a consumable. It relies on the action of the compressor to cyclically convert from the liquid state to the gas state, so it will not decrease under normal conditions. If the air conditioner lacks fluorine, it must have been leaked somewhere. We can check the joints or pipes of the air conditioner to see if there is any damage. Generally, the damaged points will be dirty. Because the refrigerant and the refrigerator oil are mixed, they usually rely on the refrigerator oil to lubricate. The fluorine leakage will definitely leak. Valve The outdoor unit has two valves. The refrigerant of the air conditioner is installed in the valve. The valves are large and small, the large ones are low-pressure valves, and the small ones are high-pressure valves. The two valves are respectively connected with a thick and a thin copper pipe, the thick is the air pipe, and the thin is the liquid pipe. When the air conditioner is running, the refrigerant is transported by the copper pipe. The air conditioner lacks fluorine, and the performance of the valve is most obvious: the high-pressure valve (liquid pipe) valve will frost, because the pressure drops, the refrigerant boiling point decreases, the valve temperature is lower than the freezing point, boiling in advance to absorb heat, causing frosting. The low-pressure valve (air pipe) valve is dry and there is no obvious cooling feeling, because the lack of refrigerant causes the boiling of the evaporator to end prematurely, and the valve temperature rises beyond the temperature of the outdoor air. Evaporator, condensate Open the panel of the indoor unit and remove the filter. If the evaporator has only partial condensation and frost, it may be because the air conditioner lacks fluorine. Because of insufficient refrigerant, only part of the evaporator has boiled and absorbed heat, so only part of the evaporator area Refrigeration. Air conditioners produce condensed water during cooling, because the evaporator temperature is low, the water vapor in the air will condense into small water droplets when it is cold. Under normal circumstances, condensate will flow down the evaporator to the water collection tray, and then be discharged outside through the condensation tube connected to the water collection tray. If the air conditioner lacks fluorine, the condensate will appear intermittent, or even not drain at all, because the evaporator cooling area is reduced, and naturally there is less condensate. Current size and refrigerant pressure Measures the working current and refrigerant pressure of the air conditioner. This is the most direct method to determine whether the air conditioner is deficient in fluorine. It only requires the use of professional measuring instruments (ammeter and pressure gauge). If the air conditioner lacks fluoride, its working current will be less than the rated current, and the pressure measured at the fluoride port will be less than 0.45Mpa. Air conditioner "fluorine deficiency" and "refrigerant shortage" are the most common problems of air conditioners, but the performance of air conditioner lack of fluoride is not unique, so don't conclude that air conditioner lacks fluoride simply from a certain performance. Multiple performances to comprehensively judge, do you say that?

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