Analysis on energy saving and consumption reduction of compressed air system

Analysis on energy saving and consumption reduction of compressed air system Compressed air is widely used in the industrial field due to its safety, environmental protection, good adjustment performance, convenient transmission, convenient centralized management and application, and good working environment applicability. With the development of textile industry technology and the replacement of equipment, compressed air has been more and more widely used in the production process, and has become the second largest power energy source for textile enterprises after electricity. Although compressed air has the above characteristics as an energy source, its output ratio of energy consumption is about 1:7, which belongs to large energy-consuming households. Therefore, how to save energy and reduce consumption of compressed air system is a common concern of everyone. The compressed air system includes air compressors, post-processing equipment, air supply network, and ventilation and cooling facilities. In the design and planning of compressed air systems, comprehensive considerations can be made according to the requirements and characteristics of actual use, and air compressors can be reasonably selected to optimize the pipeline network to reduce transmission resistance and lay a solid foundation for energy saving and consumption reduction.   Ventilation of the air compressor room The ventilation of the air compressor room may seem simple, but it is often overlooked. The quality of the ventilation not only affects the efficiency of the air compressor, but also affects the normal operation of the air compressor in severe cases, and may even cause damage to the air compressor. During the operation of the air compressor, a large amount of heat will be generated during the operation and compression of the motor. If the heat cannot be removed in time, the temperature of the machine room will increase. When the temperature in the equipment room rises, first of all, the staff feels unwell, and the unfavorable efficiency decreases. When the ambient temperature rises by 11°Q, the compression efficiency drops by 3%. From the above three points, it can be seen that improving the ambient temperature of the machine room is of great significance.   The air compressor rooms of textile enterprises mostly adopt the form of attached rooms, and there is a shortage of air circulation. In order to improve the ambient temperature, the heat of the motor is discharged outside by pipes, but the temperature in the machine room is still high when the temperature is high in summer. In order to completely solve the problem, the skylight was added and the exhaust fan was added. When the total power of the exhaust fan fell, the air exchange volume and the number of air exchanges were increased, and the flow direction of the air exchange was more reasonable, and the temperature of the equipment room was completely improved.   Operation management of the air compressor: the intake air compressor of the air compressor uses air as a raw material to ensure the supply of raw materials. There are two types of air compressor air intake: one is indoor air intake, and the other is outdoor concentrated air intake. Outdoor centralized air intake has the following characteristics: First, it is convenient for centralized pre-filtration treatment; Second, it is not affected by indoor temperature and oil and gas; Third, reducing the flow and speed of indoor air is conducive to maintaining indoor environmental hygiene; Fourth , The initial investment is large, and there is resistance loss in the pipeline. In comparison, outdoor centralized air intake is better than indoor air intake.

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Taking pre-filtration measures can not only extend the service life of the filter element, but also reduce power consumption. There are many forms and methods of pre-filtration, no matter which one must ensure low resistance to be effective. We adopt the method of non-woven fabric pre-filtration, which is simple and convenient. It can be replaced every shift to keep the resistance low.    Air filters are generally considered to be replaced when the alarm occurs. This does no harm to the air compressor, and also meets the operation requirements of the air compressor, but it is unfavorable from the perspective of energy saving. After the filter resistance is increased, the suction power of the air compressor will also increase, and the flow rate will decrease accordingly. When the air compressor is running under the alarm value, the flow rate will lose about 5%. Therefore, regular maintenance and replacement of the filter according to the local environmental conditions to keep the resistance of the filter within a low range is also a good measure for energy saving.   Whether it is single-stage compression or multi-stage compression, the temperature between the stages and the exhaust temperature seriously affect the operation and efficiency of the air compressor. An important role of the air compressor cooler is to increase the compression efficiency. In terms of temperature, increasing the cooling efficiency is to increase the air temperature by 10°C. The power consumption is also reduced by 3%. The control temperature is mainly in summer. The system conducts comprehensive inspection, maintenance, cleaning or replacing coolers with poor cooling effect, replenishes lubricating fluid, and controls the temperature within an appropriate range, which not only stabilizes the operation of the air compressor, but also does not increase fuel consumption due to temperature. . The oil separator can only separate liquid oil but not gaseous oil. When the temperature is too high, oil and gas are easily generated and enter the post-processing equipment with compressed air. In addition to increasing oil consumption, these equipment will also be polluted, or the drying effect will be reduced, or the increase Resistance increases power consumption. Therefore, controlling the temperature can not only stabilize the operation of the air compressor, but also reduce the fuel consumption and allow the system to operate normally, further reducing power consumption.    Any transmission has a pressure drop, and reasonable control of the pressure drop is conducive to energy saving and consumption reduction. In order to obtain the required pressure when the pressure drop increases, the air compressor must do more work. When the pressure drop increases by 0.01MPa, the power consumption increases correspondingly by 0.3%~05%. For any air compressor, the increased power consumption every year is very large. Oil separators, precision filters, and dryers are the main parts where the pressure drop increases. Therefore, timely replacement of oil separators, precision filters, and regular cleaning of the air channels of the dryer are effective measures to reduce the pressure drop. Extending the use time of oil separators and precision filters does not save operating costs. Moreover, the consumption of oil into the post-processing system and the pipe network system will cause accidents.   In the case of meeting the gas point process and use requirements, reduce the gas supply pressure as much as possible, and excessive supply is also a waste. When the air supply pressure is reduced by 0.01MPa, the power consumption is reduced by 0.3%~05%. The pressure is for the entire system, and the energy saving potential is large. Therefore, according to the changes in gas consumption, timely adjust the load of the air compressor or adjust the opening stage of the air compressor in time, and use other pressure automatic control systems to stabilize the pressure, which is more important for energy saving.   In the management of air compressors, we should develop the following good habits: turn off the power and close the isolation valve after the air compressor stops. If the power is not turned off, the computer board and the transformer continue to supply power, causing waste; if the isolation valve is not turned off, some control gas will continue to be consumed, which will cause waste.   According to the different seasons, adjust the timing of the electromagnetic drain valve in time, reduce the emptying time, and avoid the waste of gas and electricity.

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