Detailed introduction of common problems in the completion and acceptance steps of the intensive cabinet project

Detailed introduction of common problems in the completion and acceptance steps of the intensive cabinet project 1. Detection after assembly adjustment. After purchasing intensive cabinet products, consumers will first check. At this time, the test is not to check whether its operation is normal, but rather to determine whether the overall noise caused by it during the operation phase is large. 2. Check whether the specific address of the dense cabinet arrangement is scientific and standardized. It is necessary to fully consider the specific address before placing it. Choose an address with a large indoor space. The dense cabinet in which the refrigeration compressor unit is embedded must also ensure that the top of the dense cabinet is free of indoor space for heat dissipation, and the two sides cannot be close to the wall. 3. Overall inspection of dense cabinets. Check the two sides of the whole. In addition, you should check whether the items are working well after putting them in the shelf, and whether there is no problem with the subtle positions of the refrigeration compressor connector. 4. Overall movement of dense cabinets. After the inspection is completed, it is ready for operation. In the whole process of operation, the racks for placing items should be cleaned once, which is helpful for the cleaning of foods or products on the racks. 5. Operation of dense cabinet. This is important. In operation, the intensive cabinet must be manipulated first, otherwise unscientific manipulation will cause damage to the items sold in the market.

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