Don't know the refrigeration and air conditioning compressor? Understand the following points and know what it does!

Don't know the refrigeration and air conditioning compressor? Understand the following points and know what it does!

In air conditioning and refrigeration systems, the compressor plays a role in compressing and transporting refrigerant gas. The expansion valve plays the role of throttling and reducing pressure, and at the same time regulates the flow of refrigerant liquid into the evaporator, which is the dividing line between high and low pressure of the system. The evaporator is a device that outputs cold air, in which the refrigerant absorbs the heat of the cooled air to cool the air. The condenser is a device that emits heat. The heat absorbed in the evaporator and the heat converted by the work consumed by the compressor are emitted from the condenser together and taken away by the cooling air. The air-conditioning compressor is one of the main components of the automobile air-conditioning system. It is the conversion device of low pressure and high pressure, low temperature and high temperature in the refrigeration system.

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The function of the compressor is to make the inlet of the compressor in a low-pressure state, so that the refrigerant carrying latent heat (including the heat in the car interior) flows out of the evaporator, and this low-pressure state allows the refrigerant to enter the evaporator. Compress low-pressure gaseous refrigerant into high-pressure gaseous refrigerant. These two functions of the compressor only enter the evaporator. Compress low-pressure gaseous refrigerant into high-pressure gaseous refrigerant. As long as one of these two functions of the compressor fails, the refrigerant in the air-conditioning system will not circulate, and the air-conditioning system will work poorly or fail to refrigerate.

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When the compressor of the air-conditioning system works, the suction valve sucks in refrigerant, and then discharges it from the exhaust valve after compression. Compressors used in automobile refrigeration systems can be divided into reciprocating piston type and rotary type according to their motion forms. Compressors of automobile refrigeration system can be divided into fixed displacement type and variable displacement type according to whether their working capacity changes during operation. formula. The variable displacement compressor can automatically change the displacement according to the cooling load of the air conditioning system, making the air conditioning system run more economically. At present, various swash plate and wobble plate compressors are widely used. In recent years, medium and small cars mostly use swash plate and rotary compressors, but rarely use crankshaft-connecting rod compressors, while buses still mainly use crankshaft-connecting rod compressors.

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The structure of the crankshaft connecting rod compressor is similar to that of the engine. Generally, it adopts a double-cylinder structure. The crankshaft rotates to drive the connecting rod to make the piston reciprocate, sucking and compressing gas. The upper cylinder of the piston is equipped with intake and exhaust valve assemblies, and a shaft seal is installed between the crankshaft and the shell to prevent refrigerant leakage. In order to ensure the normal movement of the parts, a specified amount of compressor lubricant and oil supply facilities are filled in the crankcase. The swash plate compressor is also called the swash plate compressor, which is an axial reciprocating piston compressor. At present, it is the most widely used type of automobile air conditioning compressor.

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

Common domestic cars, such as Audi, Jetta, and Fukang, use swash plate compressors in their air conditioning systems. When the piston is at the extreme position of the front end, it is the end of exhaust, and the other end of the piston is at the end of suction. When the main shaft drives the swash plate to rotate, the swash plate drives the pistons to move axially, and the pistons move axially in the front and rear cylinders at the same time, which is equivalent to two pistons moving in both directions. The swash plate rotates once, and the front and rear cylinders each complete a cycle, which is equivalent to the work of two cylinders.

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

A wobble plate compressor is also called a wobble plate (also known as a one-way swash plate) compressor. It is an axial piston compressor with a reciprocating one-way piston structure. It is the same type as the swash plate type and is currently the most widely used model in automotive air conditioners. The variable displacement air conditioner compressor adopts a constant meshing transmission mode, and its transmission pulley is equipped with rubber parts. The rubber parts not only play the role of transmission and vibration reduction, but also when the air conditioner compressor is overloaded or locked, the rubber parts are Cut off to avoid serious mechanical failure.

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