Five classification functions of cold storage installation cold storage function

Five classification functions of cold storage installation cold storage function

The refrigerated distribution center is developed based on the two needs of the rationalization of refrigerated logistics and the development of the market. It is a circulation-type refrigerated logistics node that organizes refrigerated distribution sales and supply, and performs physical refrigerated distribution as its main function.

1. The function of the refrigerated distribution center. The refrigerated distribution center is different from the traditional warehouse and transportation. The general warehouse only pays attention to the storage and storage of commodities. The general traditional transportation only provides commodity transportation and distribution, while the refrigerated distribution center pays attention to The omni-directional function of commodity circulation also has the functions of commodity storage and storage, circulation marketing, sorting and distribution, circulation processing and information provision.

Second, the sorting and refrigerated distribution function. Another key point in the refrigerated distribution center is the function of sorting and distribution. Because the distribution center is developed to meet the needs of customers with multiple varieties and small batches, the distribution center must be based on customer requirements. Sorting and distribution operations, and deliver them to customers as quickly as possible or deliver them to customers within a specified time. The sorting and distribution efficiency of the distribution center is the concentrated expression of the logistics quality, and it is the most important function of the distribution center.

3. The function of circulation marketing. Circulation marketing is an important function of distribution centers, especially in the modern industrial age, the development of various information media, coupled with the stability and credit of product quality, so many direct sellers use distribution centers , Cooperate with product marketing through cable TV or the Internet. This kind of merchandise marketing method can greatly reduce the purchase cost, so it is widely loved by consumers. For example, many logistics companies abroad are named after marketing companies. And wholesaler-type distribution centers, manufacturer-type distribution centers, and importer-type distribution centers also have marketing (business flow) functions.

γ€€γ€€ Fourth, circulation processing function, the circulation processing operations of the refrigerated distribution center include classification, scale, large package unpacking and repacking, product combination packaging, trademark, label pasting operations, etc. These operations are important means to improve the service quality of refrigerated distribution centers.

5. Information provision function. In addition to the functions of marketing, distribution, circulation processing, storage and storage, the refrigerated distribution center can also provide a variety of information for the refrigerated distribution center itself and upstream and downstream enterprises for the refrigerated distribution center Reference for formulating operational management policies, product route development, and product sales promotion policies.

γ€€γ€€ Six. There are several classifications of the refrigeration functions of the above logistics cold storage installations. refrigeration is introduced here. I hope it will be helpful to those in need. If you need cold storage construction, installation, design and other refrigeration matters, please call the service hotline for consultation.

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