How do you see the power of the air conditioner Air conditioning horse number and area

How do you see the power of the air conditioner Air conditioning horse number and area

We may initially know the power of the air conditioner, but in fact, we don't know much about the specific meaning of the power of the air conditioner. Today I will tell you how to look at the power of the air conditioner and what is the relationship between the number of air conditioners and the area!

   How do you see the power of the air conditioner?

   Air conditioner power refers to the cooling power of the air conditioner, generally refers to the total power consumed in a certain period of time when the air conditioner is running, and the general unit is w (watts). However, it should be noted that the cooling power and the cooling capacity are different. The cooling capacity of the air conditioner refers to the total amount of heat removed from the confined space, room or area per unit time when the air conditioner is in the cooling operation, and the unit is W. The same applies to heating power and heating capacity.

  What is the number of air conditioners?

   After understanding the power of the air conditioner, let's take a look at the horsepower of the air conditioner. We often know the word horsepower of the air conditioner in the market. Generally, the horsepower of the air conditioner refers to the cooling capacity of the air conditioner, and also refers to the power consumption of the air conditioner. What we usually call the air conditioner is the cooling capacity of the air conditioner based on the power consumed by the air conditioner. The cooling capacity of one horse is about 2500 watts, and the cooling capacity of two horses is 5,000 watts. At present, the air conditioners sold on the market have seven air conditioners.

  How to calculate the power of air conditioner?

   The number of air conditioners we are talking about must be known to everyone, so how do we calculate the power and number of air conditioners? How should we choose the corresponding air conditioner power in our home? In fact, we can calculate by the following method. Normally, the cooling capacity of 1 horse is about 2 kilocalories, which means that 2 kilocalories multiplied by 1.162 equals 2324w. So by analogy, the cooling capacity of our 2HP air conditioner is about 5000W, the cooling capacity of 2.5HP air conditioner is about 6250W, and the cooling capacity of 3HP air conditioner is about 7500W. If the area of ​​the room in the home is 10 square meters and the cooling capacity is about 115w per square, then the cooling capacity of the air conditioner is 115w multiplied by 10 equal to 1150w, and everyone should choose at least an air conditioner with a cooling capacity of 1150w when purchasing.

Under normal circumstances, the area with a large area requires a larger cooling area of ​​the air conditioner, so the power of the air conditioner is also larger, and in summer, the air conditioner needs 150W cooling capacity per square meter, so that the room area can be used for air conditioning. The calculation formula: cooling capacity / 150W = room area; room area + 2 = adapted to z * large area; room area -2 = adapted to the smallest area. The heating power of the air conditioner is also the same. It is worth mentioning that in winter, the air conditioner not only has heating power but also heat auxiliary power, so the power consumption of the air conditioner in winter is higher than that in summer.

   Air conditioner number and area

  The cooling capacity of an air conditioner is about 2500W, suitable for a room of about 12 square meters;

  The cooling capacity of the two-horse air conditioner is about 5000W, which is suitable for use in a room of about 25 square meters;

  The cooling capacity of 2.5HP air conditioner is about 6250W, which is suitable for use in a room of about 40 square meters;

   The cooling capacity of the 3-hp air conditioner is about 7500W, which is suitable for use in a room of about 50 square meters;

   The cooling capacity of the 4-hp air conditioner is about 10,000W, which is suitable for a room of about 70 square meters.

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