How to clean the air conditioner

How to clean the air conditioner Cleaning the external unit of the air conditioner is conducive to improving the operating efficiency of the air conditioner and extending the service life. How to clean the air conditioner external machine, what problems should be paid attention to when cleaning the external machine, let's understand:

  How to clean the external machine:

  Before cleaning, we prepare the water gun, brush, water container and safety belt to be used for cleaning. It is best to have two people, one to clean and one to cooperate to protect safety. Open the cover of the air conditioner, use a brush to clean the coil fins, the fan dust, and the areas where the water gun is not easy to clean with a brush. Clean it with a brush first, and then adjust the water gun to the appropriate water pressure. The external cleaning and washing standard is that we can clearly see the rows of coils inside through the external fins. If the air conditioner is not particularly dirty, we can also rinse the external fin coil with a water gun without opening the cover. Relatively speaking, cleaning the inner and outer coils by opening the outer cover is relatively thorough.

  Precautions for cleaning external machine:

  If the external cleaning machine is on a higher floor, you must wear a seat belt to protect the safety of the cleaning personnel. The water pressure should not be adjusted too high during cleaning to prevent the high water pressure from washing and deforming and damaging the fins. When the external machine is turned on and cleaned up, we must take protective measures for the external machine's circuits and circuit boards to avoid damage from water inflow during washing, so that it is not worth the loss.

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