HVAC knowledge

1. The expansion water tank is used in the heating system to store the amount of expansion water after the system is heated. It serves as an exhaust gas in the natural circulation for the lower return system. In addition, it can also function as a constant heating system pressure.

2. The air environment elements controlled by air conditioning include air temperature, relative humidity, air flow rate, pressure, air cleanliness, noise, etc.

3. The air conditioning system is mainly composed of four basic parts: air treatment equipment, fan, air duct, and air supply and return air outlet.

4. The air conditioning system can be divided into centralized air conditioning system, semi-centralized air conditioning system and local air conditioning system.

5. The most commonly used type of semi-centralized air conditioning system is the fan coil system. The fan coil air conditioning system consists of three parts: fan coil unit, water system and fresh air system.

6. Fan coil unit consists of fan, surface heat exchanger and filter.

7. Commonly used air treatment processes include filtration, heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification.

8. The air filter is used in the air conditioning project to evolve the air with high dust content. According to the filtration efficiency, it can be divided into four categories: primary efficiency filter, medium efficiency filter, and sub-efficiency filter.

9. At present, widely used air heating equipment, there are two types of surface air heaters and electric heaters.

10. The methods of cooling air include water-cooled surface cooler, direct evaporative surface cooler, and water spray chamber cooling.

11. Commonly used dehumidification methods include heating dehumidification, cooling dehumidification, absorption or adsorption dehumidification.

12. There are two aspects of the muffler measures: one is to reduce the generation of noise; the other is to install a muffler in the system.

13. The refrigerants used in the air-conditioning project include vapor compression type and absorption type.

14. Compression refrigerator is composed of refrigeration compressor, condenser, expansion valve and evaporator, four main components, and is connected by pipes to form a closed circulation system.

15. In the central heating system of civil buildings, 95 ~ 70 ℃ hot water should be used as the heat medium.

16. Compared with steam heating, the room temperature fluctuation is small is the obvious advantage of hot water heating system.

17. According to the medium that bears the cooling and heating load of the air-conditioning room, the air-conditioning system is divided into: all-air system, all-water system, air-water system, and refrigerant system.

18. The central heating system is mainly composed of three parts: heat source, transportation pipe network and heat dissipation equipment.

19. According to the different heat dissipation methods of the heating system, it can be mainly divided into convection heating and radiant heating.

20. Heating with convection heat exchange as the main method is called convection heating.

21. Radiant heating is a type of heating mainly based on radiant heat transfer.

22. A heating system that uses hot air as a heat medium to supply heat to the room is called a hot air heating system.

23. The main difference between a mechanical circulating hot water heating system and a natural circulating hot water heating system is that a circulating water pump is set in the system, mainly relying on the mechanical energy of the pump to make water circulate in the system forcibly.

24. The steam heating system can be divided into an upper supply type, a middle supply type and a lower supply type steam heating system according to the different layouts of the main pipes.

25. The steam heating system can be divided into single-tube and double-tube steam heating systems according to the characteristics of the vertical pipe layout.

26. The steam heating system can be divided into two forms: gravity return water and mechanical return water steam heating system according to the different return water power.

27. The central heating system is composed of heat source, heating pipe network and heat user.

28. There are generally two kinds of thermal load algorithm: thermal index method per unit area and thermal index method per unit volume.

29. According to the power of the ventilation system, it can be divided into natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation.

30. The common forms of airflow organization in ventilated rooms are: top row and bottom row, bottom row and top row, middle row and top row.

31. The local exhaust system is composed of exhaust hood, air duct, purification equipment and fan.

32. The purification methods of harmful gases include combustion method, condensation method, absorption method and adsorption method.

33. Natural ventilation can be divided into organized natural ventilation, ducted natural ventilation, infiltration ventilation and other forms.

34. Currently commonly used heat pumps generally have two types of air source heat pumps and water source heat pumps.

35. There are many methods for calculating the cold load of the envelope structure. At present, the harmonic response method and the cold load coefficient method are mostly used in China.

36. According to the source of air used, the air conditioning system can be divided into closed system, direct current system, and hybrid system.

37. According to the structure of the air conditioning unit, it is divided into three types: integral, split and combined air conditioning units.

38. Common airflow organization forms of air-conditioning system include up-sending-down-back mode, up-sending-up-back mode, medium air-sending mode, and down-air-sending mode.

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