Introduction of working principle and application of centrifugal refrigeration compressor for air conditioning

Introduction of working principle and application of centrifugal refrigeration compressor for air conditioning

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The principle of the air-conditioning compressor is to maintain the circulation of the refrigerant in the refrigeration system by means of external force. The air-conditioning compressor sucks in low-temperature, low-pressure refrigerant vapor from the evaporator. The air conditioner compressor compresses the refrigerant vapor to increase its temperature and pressure, and sends the air conditioner compressor refrigerant vapor to the condenser. During the process of heat absorption and release, the air conditioner compressor realizes heat exchange. Centrifugal compressors are divided into single-stage and multi-stage according to the number of working wheels installed in the compressor. If there is only one working wheel, it is called a single-stage centrifugal compressor. If it is composed of several working wheels in series, it is called a multi-stage centrifugal compressor. In the air conditioner, because the pressure increase is relatively small, it is generally used in single stage, most of the centrifugal refrigeration compressors used in other aspects are multi-stage.    2. Structure diagram of centrifugal refrigeration compressor for air conditioning The structure of the single-stage centrifugal refrigeration compressor for air-conditioning is mainly composed of working wheels, main shaft, diffuser and volute (Figure 1). 3. Working principle of centrifugal refrigeration compressor for air conditioning When the compressor is working, the refrigerant vapor enters the suction chamber 2 axially through the suction port, and the diversion function in the suction chamber 2 guides the refrigerant vapor from the evaporator (or intercooler) into the high speed uniformly Rotating working wheel 3 (working wheel is also called impeller, it is an important part of centrifugal refrigeration compressor, because only through the working wheel can energy be transferred to the steam). Under the action of the blades, the steam body rotates at high speed with the working wheel 3, and at the same time, due to the effect of centrifugal force, the diffuser activity is performed in the blade channel, so that the pressure and speed of the steam body are improved. The vapor from the working wheel 3 then enters the diffuser 5 whose cross-sectional area gradually expands (due to the higher flow rate of the vapor from the working wheel 3, the diffuser 5 partially converts the kinetic energy into pressure energy, Thereby increasing the pressure of the vapor). When the vapor flows through the diffuser 5, the speed is reduced, and the pressure is further improved. After passing through the diffuser 5, the vapor is collected into the volute 4, and then led to the intercooler or condenser through the exhaust port. Complete the process of suction-compression-exhaust.

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