Reasons for internal protection of industrial chiller compressors

Reasons for internal protection of industrial chiller compressors

There is a thermal switch inside some compressors. The function of this switch is to disconnect the power supply line to the compressor motor when the temperature of the compressor exceeds the set value. The compressor can be switched on only after the compressor is cooled. jobs. If thermal protection occurs frequently, we must look for the cause.

   Reasons 1. The refrigeration system lacks refrigerant. When the refrigerant is insufficient, the compressor refrigerant will overheat, causing the compressor to heat up as a whole, causing the thermal switch to act and generating compressor thermal protection. Solution: Make up the refrigerant, and the return pipe of the compressor should be cold when it is turned on.

   Reason 2. The condensing pressure of the compressor is too high, the cooling water or the ambient temperature is too high, and the discharge pressure of the compressor will be too high, which will cause the discharge temperature to be too high, which will cause the compressor to overheat. Solution: Clean the condenser, or increase the pressure of the cooling water flow.

   Reason 3. The type selection of the chiller is incorrect, and the type selection is small. When the compressor selection is too small, a small horse-drawn cart will appear. The chiller will never reach the set temperature, and the compressor will continue to work until the compressor is thermally protected. Solution: re-select a new chiller, there must be an amplification factor to ensure that the chiller can reach the set temperature and stop.

   Reason 4. Compressor motor failure and poor insulation of enameled wire will cause excessive compressor current and thermal protection. Solution: Replace the compressor.

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