The role of freezing oil in screw refrigeration compressor

The role of freezing oil in screw refrigeration compressor The role of lubricating oil:

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

1) A dynamic seal is formed between the screw and the compression chamber and the male and female screws to reduce refrigerant leakage from the high-pressure side to the low-pressure side during the compression process.    2) Cooling the compressed refrigerant, the oil is injected into the compressor, absorbs the heat generated by the refrigerant gas during the compression process, and reduces the exhaust temperature.    3) An oil film is formed between the bearing and the screw to support the rotor and play a lubricating role.    4) Transmit the pressure difference force, drive the capacity adjustment system, adjust the position of the capacity adjustment slider through the action of the compressor loading and unloading solenoid valve, and realize the compressor capacity adjustment control.

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