What are the types of refrigerators Introduction to the four types of refrigerators 【Detailed explanation】

What are the types of refrigerators Introduction to the four types of refrigerators 【Detailed explanation】 There are many inventions and creations in our lives that can provide us with convenience and comfort. It is because of these inventions and creations that we can have a better life. So it is worth mentioning the refrigerator. Many people don’t know much about the refrigerator, let alone its various types, so what are the types of refrigerators?   Refrigerator is a device that can reduce the temperature of an area or an object space by mechanical or refrigerant. Now smart machines have been widely used in life and various productions. This refrigerator has a history of more than 70 years since its birth. In his history, there have been the following refrigerators: such as ether working refrigerant, air refrigerant, ammonia vapor compressor, gas compression refrigerator, sulfuric acid and water refrigerant absorption refrigerator, and ammonia Absorption refrigerator, etc.   What are the types of refrigerators? It can be divided into compression refrigerators, semiconductor refrigerators, steam jet refrigerators and absorption refrigerators. Compression refrigerators, mainly by increasing the pressure of the refrigerant to achieve the role of the refrigeration cycle, it also includes two types of vapor compression refrigerators and gas compression refrigerators. Its refrigeration device also mainly includes two types of compression refrigeration and absorption refrigeration. Compression refrigeration type: In general, the structure of screw refrigerator is relatively simple and its use time is relatively long. The technical development of the piston-type refrigerator has been relatively mature. According to users, the refrigerator is already very practical and comfortable. And its use temperature range is relatively wide.    Centrifugal refrigerator mainly uses a diffuser to increase the pressure to achieve the cooling effect. Absorption refrigeration: mainly through the absorption of ammonia to reduce the ambient temperature. Semiconductor refrigerator, it is to use the performance of the semiconductor to cool the temperature, that is, the cooling effect. Steam jet refrigerator: It mainly achieves the cooling effect through the steam jet. Absorption refrigerator, it uses the generator combination of absorber to achieve refrigeration. It can be divided into three types: absorption diffusion type, ammonia absorption type, lithium bromide absorption type. After reading the above content, you can clearly know that there are various types of refrigerators, so before you buy a refrigerator, be sure to carefully select and replace according to the requirements of the refrigerator you need, so as to choose Purchased your favorite refrigerator.

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