Dutch company develops high-tech air-conditioning equipment: it can be cooled without electric energy

Dutch company develops high-tech air-conditioning equipment: it can be cooled without electric energy US media said that according to the International Energy Agency, by 2050, nearly 6 billion air conditioners will consume 37% of the world's electricity. The proportion of residents in countries around the world buying air conditioners is close to that of the United States. This is an environmental disaster that will happen. However, SoundEnergy, a startup in the Dutch town of Enschede, is trying to change this situation with a technological miracle that can reduce heat without energy. According to a report on the website of the American "Forbes" magazine on January 18, the company said that this sounds like magic or perpetual motion, but it relies on the well-known thermoacoustic principle, which was originally developed by the US Department of Defense. The first step is to convert heat into sound. "We obtain thermal energy... and then convert the thermal energy into sound waves," said Roy Hammans, chief financial officer of SoundEnergy. "This sound wave passes through a pressurized infinite loop and is amplified... The feedback process makes the sound wave more and more Strong." He explained in an email: "This huge mechanical power will be converted into a reduced temperature difference through the reverse connection of the two vessels. Just like the classic Stirling cycle, the sound waves generate cold by dispersing the heat of the particles. " This may seem a bit weird, but the company has been exporting commercial products since September last year. This high-tech air-conditioning equipment itself does not require electricity. Hammans said in an email: "The system itself does not require electricity or energy, it can use exhaust gas or solar energy 100%, and achieve 40% to 50% conversion." The remaining heat can be discharged into the cooling pool or the atmosphere, if necessary, it can also be cooled with standard air conditioning. The only component that is possible to run with external power is a small controller that can be more accurately calibrated, and of course there is a pump that can suck in the heat storage liquid and discharge the cold liquid. Reported that the system is suitable for factories that need to cool high-temperature motors and equipment, and can also be used in large multi-family residential units. The price of large equipment is about 50,000 US dollars, but the price can be reduced as the scale increases, and the price of equipment for personal use of residents is much lower. According to reports, if the company can help solve global energy challenges while also helping people effectively cool homes, offices and factories, the environmental returns may far exceed economic considerations.

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