Pay attention to these details. The air energy heat pump can be used for more than 10 years.

The core problem of compressor oper

Pay attention to these details. The air energy heat pump can be used for more than 10 years.

In a few months, the northern heating season will officially begin. In addition to central heating, this year's "coal-to-electricity conversion" has also received much attention. In the “coal-to-electricity conversion", air-energy heat pumps have been rapidly popularized in Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong and other regions, becoming the absolute main force for heating this winter.

  The reason why air energy heat pumps are so popular is that in addition to environmental protection and high efficiency, there is another major feature-long service life. Judging from the current market situation, the service life of common air energy heat pumps can reach 10 years, and if you have good usage habits, the service life of some air energy products can even reach 15 years. However, many users do not know what a good usage habit is.

   The drainage pipe must be installed in place

   In the northern region, the workload of "coal-to-electricity conversion" is heavy, so sometimes the equipment is not installed properly. In previous years, improper installation of equipment drainage pipes often occurred. In an environment of 0°C, air energy heat pumps may be frosted, and after the heat pump is automatically frosted, defrosting water will be produced. If the defrosting water is not treated in time, it may freeze again. The ice accumulates and thickens, and it slowly moves up along the drain pipe, which will inevitably cause devastating damage to the heat pump host. Therefore, in addition to the installation of drain pipes at the beginning of installation,

   Defrosting water has to be cleaned up in time.

   Leave a certain space around the host

   Air energy heat pump heating is to absorb low-grade heat energy from the air, compress it into high-pressure gas by a compressor, and finally produce hot water through a heat exchange process. It can be seen that the heat pump absorbs enough heat, and the heating effect is good. In order for the heat pump to effectively absorb the heat in the air, it is necessary to make room for the heat pump unit. Generally speaking, it is recommended to leave a distance of no less than 80 cm between the heat pump host and surrounding obstacles. In addition, heat pump heating will blow cold air from the host fan. Therefore, no debris should be placed within 2 meters of the front of the heat pump unit, otherwise it will easily affect the discharge of cold air.

   The heat pump unit needs to be cautious when powering off

   The heating season is very long, usually lasting 3 to 4 months. In the long-term heating process, it is inevitable that some users worry that the air energy heat pump consumes too much power, so they will choose to turn off the heat pump unit when they go out to work in order to achieve the purpose of saving electricity. In fact, this approach is improper, because air energy heat pump heating uses water as an intermediate medium to conduct heat. Once the heat pump is shut down, there will be no hot water in the pipeline. In the slightest case, it is easy to freeze the pipeline, and it may cause damage to the heat pump host. In order to reduce the electrical energy, the equipment is damaged. This is because small losses are greater than gains. He Gong of Nuentai suggested that when you are out and not at home, you can adjust the set temperature of the unit to the lowest level so that the unit can ensure that the antifreeze function works, so that energy waste and antifreeze problems of the unit can be effectively solved.

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