Reasons for the large difference in cooling of different refrigeration equipment

Reasons for the large difference in cooling of different refrigeration equipment

According to the analysis of the use environment, due to the differences in the cooling methods of the refrigeration equipment, enterprises need to carefully analyze the particularity of the use environment before using the refrigeration equipment, and then conduct regular maintenance and maintenance of the equipment according to the specific situation. If the company is aware of the existence of problems such as different cooling methods and large differences in equipment cooling performance, then the company can extend the service life of the equipment and provide favorable conditions for saving valuable use costs. So why do different cooling methods affect the cooling performance of the equipment?

  1. More than half of enterprises are aware of the impact of cooling efficiency on cooling performance before using refrigeration equipment. If the enterprise chooses the refrigeration equipment suitable for the refrigeration method, the enterprise can operate the refrigeration equipment with the least use cost. Of course, affected by various production technologies and other factors, if an enterprise ignores the refrigeration method of refrigeration equipment when using refrigeration equipment, the safety factor of the equipment will be affected and even threaten the normal operation of refrigeration equipment.

  2. According to the difference in production technology, the refrigeration modes of various refrigeration equipment produced in China are divided into direct refrigeration and indirect refrigeration. Due to the large differences in cooling methods, companies need to be able to choose equipment with better cooling effects for use. The main difference between direct and indirect refrigeration is the difference in the refrigeration medium. Usually, the refrigeration equipment that uses R22 as the cooling medium has higher cooling performance and can reduce the energy consumption of the enterprise using refrigeration equipment.

  The difference between refrigeration equipment with different refrigeration methods:

   The main difference between the two cooling methods is the difference in the cooling medium. Direct cooling can quickly reduce the temperature, while indirect cooling requires the use of intermediate media to achieve the purpose of lowering the temperature. Although indirect refrigeration needs to consume more refrigerant, from the perspective of long-term use, indirect refrigeration refrigeration equipment has a longer operating life, and the equipment will not be affected by any external factors, and there will be problems such as low equipment operation efficiency. .

   Due to differences in equipment production technology and different cooling modes of refrigeration equipment, the cooling efficiency of the equipment is quite different when the refrigeration equipment is operated. Especially for many companies with larger space, Chongqing Refrigeration Equipment Company reminds that before purchasing refrigeration equipment, it is necessary to fully understand the main types of equipment cooling, and be able to select suitable refrigeration equipment according to the size of the space, which can reduce equipment failure rate and effectively extend equipment Service life.

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