The correct use of car air conditioners, to avoid misunderstandings!

The correct use of car air conditioners, to avoid misunderstandings! Whether it is cooling in summer or heating in winter, many car owners turn on the "air conditioning mode" while driving. Car air conditioning is a good thing, not only can it provide a more comfortable riding environment, but also reduce the fatigue strength of the driver and improve driving safety. But if the air conditioner is used improperly, the result may be counterproductive. So, do you understand a few misunderstandings of automobile air conditioners? 1. Turn off the air conditioner In order to save trouble, some car owners do not turn off the air conditioner after parking. This will start with the air conditioner when starting the car. It is necessary to know that the air conditioning refrigeration compressor and the blower will increase the load on the engine and electrical system, and the warm air effect is not ideal due to the low temperature of the engine. If it is during the summer that the air conditioner will cause a large amount of water to accumulate in the air conditioner during the cooling process, direct flameout will also prevent these accumulated water from being discharged as soon as possible. It is possible to smell moldy smell after turning on the air conditioner. 2. Not using air conditioner for a long time Some car owners do not use air conditioners because they park for a long time, but if the air conditioners are not used for a long time, it is easy to cause the aging phenomenon of the rubber ring inside the air conditioner. Therefore, when the air conditioner is not in use, the air conditioner needs to be turned on regularly in order to maintain the good working condition of the car air conditioner. 3. Long-term use of internal circulation while driving When using the air conditioner in the outdoor long-term internal circulation mode, less air circulation in the car will make the air in the sealed car turbid. Driving in this environment for a long time will make people feel dizzy and dizzy, affecting the health of the driver and passengers. 4. Turn off the air-conditioning after parking After the car is parked in the garage, some owners will turn on the air conditioner to rest, but in a closed space, carbon monoxide in the exhaust of the car will be sucked into the car through the air inlet of the air conditioning system, causing the concentration of carbon monoxide to increase. 5. Do not replace the air conditioning filter for a long time Air conditioning filters are just as important as air filters, which play a cleaning role and can reduce polluting gases in the car. If the air conditioner filter core is not changed for a long time, it will allow a large amount of return and dirt to accumulate on the surface of the filter plate, radiator, evaporator, and fins, causing air flow blockage. In addition, the air conditioner will also have a decrease in cooling and heating effects, increase power consumption and noise, and reduce its service life.

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