The refrigerator freezes thick Just one trick to fall off immediately!

The refrigerator freezes thick Just one trick to fall off immediately! After a long time, the refrigerator always has thick frost ' Every time you clean the refrigerator head It's a knife, a shovel, and a screwdriver. The refrigerator is still broken How can we quickly remove frost? First step First unplug the refrigerator, Turn off the power to ensure safe operation. Second step ▼ Remove food from refrigerator and empty refrigerator third step ▼ Melt the ice! The point is coming! ! Put a few bowls of hot water in the refrigerator (about 60 degrees Celsius, it is best to put a towel with good water absorption on the bottom of the refrigerator). After a few minutes, the ice in the refrigerator will melt and fall off! Clean the ice cubes and melted ice water from the refrigerator. Finally, clean the inside of the refrigerator with a towel. Maybe your refrigerator is too frozen to open the door, How to do? no way······· You can only use the hair dryer to blow the gap around the refrigerator door Open the refrigerator door after accelerated melting: Then use the hot air of the hair dryer to accelerate the melting of frost last step Prevent! After deicing, dry with a towel and apply a layer of vegetable oil on the inner walls of the refrigerator. When the frost is formed next time, the suction force between the frost and the refrigerator wall will be greatly reduced due to the adhesion to the refrigerator wall containing oil components, so it does not cost much With strength, you can easily peel off the cake. Cut a thicker piece of plastic film and stick it to the frosted wall of the refrigerator. When defrosting, take out the food in the cold room temporarily, then peel off the plastic film and shake it, the frost can all fall off, and then reattach a film, put the food in, and continue to use.

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