The selection of the central air conditioner depends not only on the brand, the internal compressor is also very important, several types of compressors commonly used in central air conditioning;

The selection of the central air conditioner depends not only on the brand, the internal compressor is also very important, several types of compressors commonly used in central air conditioning; 1. Classification of common compressors 1. Single rotor compressor Because of its relatively low manufacturing cost and relatively high performance, it is a compressor favored by many manufacturers, but the single-rotor compressor has two prominent shortcomings. When used in a system with a relatively large power, due to the rotor co-vibration problem, large vibration and noise will be generated. The single-rotor compressor has several core components during use, such as sliding plates and exhaust valves, etc. , Affecting the repair rate of the compressor. Generally speaking, single-rotor compressors are generally used in systems of less than 5 horsepower. The more common one is the one-for-one air duct machine and some low-end multi-tube machines. Relatively good compressor manufacturers such as Mitsubishi Electric and Panasonic. 2. Oscillating compressor A strengthened mode of single-rotor compressors is, strictly speaking, single-rotor compressors, which increases the service life of wearing parts of rotor compressors by changing the form of slides inside the compressor. The advantage is simple and durable, the disadvantage is to reduce the high frequency in order to reduce noise, resulting in reduced cooling and heating effect. Now it is mostly used in the multi-tube machine with 6 horses or less. The most representative manufacturer is Daikin. 3. Double rotor compressor Version 2.0 of the single-rotor compressor, which adds a compression cylinder and allows the rotor in the new compression to form a 180-degree angle with the original rotor, so that the rotors of the two compression cylinders always run in opposite directions. This is reduced by this principle of cancellation The vibration and noise problems of the single-rotor compressor solve the common vibration and noise problems of the single-rotor compressor in high-power systems. This is also a type of compressor currently used in home central air conditioning. The advantage is that the energy efficiency ratio is high, and the energy saving is better than the scroll compressor when the whole house is not open; the performance is reliable and stable; the disadvantage is that when all the internal units are turned on, the power consumption is greater than the scroll compressor. Therefore, in general, the dual-rotor compressor is more advantageous than the commercial full-open mode. If the external machine is 12 horses or less, it is more appropriate to choose the dual-rotor compressor. More representative manufacturers are Toshiba, Panasonic, and Mitsubishi Electric. 4. Scroll compressor The scroll compressor is a volumetric compression compressor, and the compression component is composed of a movable scroll and a static scroll. Because of its structural characteristics, when it works, the torque change is small and the balance is high, so the vibration is also very small, and the operation is more stable. In the case of high power at the same time, the efficiency is much higher than that of the rotor compressor. One of the disadvantages is that because of its relatively elaborate manufacturing process, the cost is relatively high, and the scroll disk has a poor sealing performance and a high probability of failure. The more representative manufacturers are Hitachi and Daikin.

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