What is a gas source system What are its components

What is a gas source system What are its components

A system composed of equipment that generates, processes, and stores compressed air is called an air source system. A typical air source system usually consists of the following parts: air compressor, rear cooler, filter (including pre-filter, oil-water separator, pipeline filter, degreasing filter, deodorizing filter, sterilization filter) Etc.), stabilized gas storage tanks, dryers (refrigerated or adsorption type), automatic drainage and sewage devices, gas pipelines, pipeline valves, instruments, etc. The above equipment is combined into a complete gas source system according to the different needs of the process flow.

   The compressed air output from the air compressor contains a lot of harmful impurities, the main impurities are solid particles, moisture and oil in the air.

   The vaporized lubricating oil will form a kind of organic acid corrosion equipment, which will deteriorate rubber, plastics, and sealing materials, block small holes, cause valve operation failure, and contaminate products.

   The saturated moisture in the compressed air will condense into water under certain conditions and collect in some parts of the system. This moisture has a rust effect on the components and pipelines, causing the moving parts to jam or wear, and make the pneumatic components malfunction and leak; in cold regions, the freezing of moisture can cause the pipeline to freeze or crack.

   The dust and other impurities in the compressed air will abrade the relative moving surfaces in the cylinder, pneumatic motor and pneumatic reversing valve, reducing the service life of the system.

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