Home air conditioning is not cooling, still looking for someone to repair at a high price Here teach you how to repair!

Home air conditioning is not cooling, still looking for someone to repair at a high price Here teach you how to repair!
The weather is getting hotter recently, and the air conditioner will be used soon. But the most speechless thing is, when I go home and want to blow the air conditioner, but the air conditioner is no longer cooling, what should I do? Call the master who repairs the air conditioner to check it out. After various inspections, you have to pay a large repair fee for the air conditioner. Said. How many air-conditioning repair routines? Overhaul of minor illnesses, these "pits" must be guarded against!

Air conditioning is not cooling This is a very common fault. Before servicing, we must first judge whether the air conditioner is not cooling, whether it is not cooling at all, or the effect is not good. In this way, it can play a double effect in repair.

Causes and solutions of air conditioning not cooling:

1. The refrigerant of the air conditioner (or refrigerant, freon) is insufficient.

Refrigerant is a medium in the air-conditioning system. Everyone knows that the air-conditioning system is closed. There is basically no leakage when the joints are fastened in place. Of course, there is a normal situation where the use time is longer and the refrigerant is missing , This only needs to be added.

(1) The cooling effect is not good: first check the refrigerant and then check whether the outdoor unit condenser, the internal unit evaporator and the filter are dirty, these are factors that affect the cooling effect.

(2) There is no effect at all: the most common one is a big leak in the copper pipe, you can check the connection or welding first, and then check whether the compressor has been started.

2. The copper pipes of the internal and external machines are too long.

If the air conditioner is installed reasonably and the installation pipes are too long, the air conditioner will not be cooled. Generally only need to add refrigerant. This kind of situation usually occurs in mobile or hidden ceiling machines.

3.The external machine does not start, the internal machine starts.

This situation is mostly caused by the interruption of the signal of the internal and external machines, and the external machine cannot receive the instructions of the internal machine. It is necessary to check the communication line. There is also a sensor failure of the internal unit, and its resistance value changes, and the detected temperature is inaccurate, causing the external unit to receive a wrong command and fail to start. Of course, the failure rate of the computer board is still there.

4. The external machine is installed in a closed space

The installation location of the external unit of the air conditioner requires a certain space. The condenser behind it must be at least 30cm away from the wall surface. Too little is likely to cause uneven heat exchange, and it is also difficult to maintain and rinse in the future. And the position of the external fan must not be blocked, otherwise it is very easy to cause thermal protection in a hot environment.

Solution: Reasonably install the external unit of the air conditioner, and choose an outdoor environment with easy air circulation for installation. There should be no foreign objects around. For those with louvers, the louvers corresponding to the external fan can be removed.

5. Air conditioning maintenance is not in place

Air conditioners need to be cleaned and maintained like other home appliances. For example, an outdoor unit installed outdoors will absorb dust and other dirt on the radiator after long-term use. The radiator does not cool well, and the cooling effect of the air conditioner is naturally poor. Of course, there are internal The machine evaporator is the same. Proper maintenance can not only ensure the cooling effect of the air conditioner but also extend its service life.

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