How to distinguish whether air compressor oil has impurities

How to distinguish whether air compressor oil has impurities

Everyone knows that screw air compressors have high requirements for oil. However, air compressors are easily mixed with others during use, which will not only affect the work of the air compressor, but also easily cause damage to the air compressor.

  Identify whether there are other impurities in the air compressor oil:

  Mixed with metal powder. Generally, when changing the air compressor oil and oil filter, check the oil drain and the metal powder in the oil filter, while roughly judging the wear and the parts that may be malfunctioning. Take a small amount of engine oil from the fueling port as a sample, and analyze it with an atomic spectrometer.

   Air compressor oil is mixed with water. Drain a small amount of air compressor oil from the oil pan, check whether the oil level of the air compressor is emulsified, whether the water level of the water tank is reduced, and whether the oil level of the air compressor is increased; when the machine is cold, open the oil filler cap of the air compressor oil port to see if there is any Water droplets; the air compressor runs to normal operating temperature, without stopping the operation, quickly draw out the air compressor oil dipstick, so that the air compressor oil attached to the air compressor dipstick drips on the casing of the turbocharger Are there any drops of water bursting?

   Air compressor oil is mixed with fuel. When air compressor oil has been mixed with a large amount of fuel, it can be judged according to whether the smell, viscosity, and oil level increase; take a few drops of air compressor oil into the air compressor oil inspection vessel, heat it to the standard temperature, and then See if it can be ignited.

   Some air compressors must be pure and free of foreign objects, which will have a great impact on the air compressor.

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