What should be paid attention to when handling refrigeration equipment

What should be paid attention to when handling refrigeration equipment

Precautions for the handling of refrigeration equipment-Do not put it down during transportation. A series of matters must be paid attention to during the transportation of refrigeration equipment. In particular, do not put the refrigeration equipment down during transportation. Precautions when handling refrigeration equipment, I hope everyone pays more attention to the handling process.

1. When transporting the refrigeration equipment, the bottom should be lifted, not grasping the door handle or door to exert force, let alone dragging on the ground. The top surface of the refrigeration equipment should be left at least 30cm high, and the back and both sides should be left At least 10cm of space to facilitate heat dissipation.

  2. The maximum inclination angle of the cabinet should not exceed 45 degrees, let alone inverted or placed horizontally, otherwise it will damage the compressor or cause the refrigerant oil in the compressor to flow into the refrigeration pipeline, affecting refrigeration, and easily cause the compressor to unsprung. Do not place heavy objects on the upper part of the refrigeration equipment to prevent the objects from falling due to the opening and closing of the door and causing family injuries. It should be placed on a flat and solid ground, and the compressor should be kept level. The refrigeration equipment handling is not only for safety reasons, but also can make the refrigeration compressor work smoothly, reducing vibration and noise. If the ground is uneven, adjust the adjustable feet to make the refrigeration equipment level.

   3. During transportation, avoid bumps and violent vibrations, and prevent rain and water. It should not be placed in an environment with flammable, explosive and corrosive materials. At the same time, do not place such items inside. It should be placed away from heat sources, in a ventilated and dry place, and away from direct sunlight.

  In the transportation of refrigeration equipment, if you can't use a trailer, we usually choose to use the roller bar loading and unloading equipment. What should we pay attention to during the operation of the roll bar? Let's take a look.

   First of all, there is the best Woods under the scroll bar to prevent excessive pressure equipment. When the equipment needs to bend forward, the roll bar must bend the direction into a fan-shaped surface.

  Secondly, the loading and unloading equipment placed on the tilting bar must be of neat head, or different lengths, so that the force of the tilting bar is uneven and accidents are prone to occur.

   Place or adjust the roll bar, it should be a barrel with four fingers on the roll bar to avoid bruised hands. During processing, the roll bar is incorrect, use hammering to correct it.

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