What should I do if the compressor current of an industrial chiller is overloaded? okmarts.com editor has a coup!

What should I do if the compressor current of an industrial chiller is overloaded? okmarts.com editor has a coup!

The compressor current overload phenomenon of industrial chillers, cause analysis and solutions. The "overcurrent" here refers to the current overload of the chiller compressor. When the compressor of the chiller has overcurrent protection, the compressor will stop starting and the water temperature will continue to rise. The reasons for the overcurrent protection of the compressor of the chiller and the corresponding solutions are as follows:

   1. The voltage of the chiller is unstable, which causes the current to be unstable. At this time, a voltage stabilizer can be added;

  2. If the dust net is severely dusty, the dust net needs to be cleaned;

  3. If the chiller is not ventilated, you can move the chiller to a ventilated place with little dust;

   4. The fan in the chiller does not start, then a new fan needs to be replaced;

  5. The starting capacitor of the compressor drops, and a new one can be replaced at this time;

   6. If the chiller leaks refrigerant, you need to find the leak and repair it.

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