Causes and solutions of air-conditioning leakage

Causes and solutions of air-conditioning leakage Some air conditioners will leak when used for a long time, and some new air conditioners have no problem in debugging, but after a few days of use, there will be water leaks, so what is the reason for air conditioning leaks? Today we will talk about the reasons for the leakage of indoor air conditioners and the tips for solving the dripping of indoor air conditioners.

  Why does the air conditioner drip? What is the reason for air conditioning leakage? First, let's first understand where the water in the air conditioner comes from.

  The air conditioner compressor compresses the refrigerant and expands it through the valve to release the heat, and the temperature of the refrigerant decreases. Then the refrigerant flows into the indoor evaporator, absorbs the heat of the indoor air through the contact of the evaporator and the indoor air, compresses it, and expands again, so that the reciprocating cycle circulates and takes away the heat of the indoor air a little. The water vapor in the air turns into water when it encounters a very low temperature evaporator, which is why the air conditioner produces water.

  If the air humidity is high and the temperature of the air conditioner is too low, there will also be water droplets condensing around the air outlet of the air conditioner, which will cause the air conditioner to drip. At this time, it is better to increase the temperature of the air conditioner. This is a small coup to solve the dripping of air conditioning, very practical.

  If it is not the environmental problem that caused the air conditioner to leak or the machine problem caused the air conditioner to leak, then score the new air conditioner and the old air conditioner to analyze.

  1》The air conditioner that has just been debugged leaks water within a few days. The main reasons are as follows:

   1. The tilt angle of the drain pipe on the indoor unit side (wall-mounted, cabinet-type) is too small;

  Solution: Just readjust the angle of the drain pipe.

   2. The drain pipe is too long and the water is not smooth;

  Solution: Try to shorten the length of the drain pipe;

   3. The drain pipe is uneven and entangled;

   Solution: Rearrange the drain pipe;

   4. The outlet of the drain pipe is inserted into the water;

  Solution: remove the drain pipe inserted into the water;

   2》The old air conditioner drip suddenly, so the main reasons are as follows:

   1. The drain pipe is broken or cracked;

   Solution: replace the drain pipe;

   2. The drain pipe joint is loose;

  Solution: Reconnect the connector

   3. The drain pipe is clogged with foreign matter.

  Solution: Replace the drain pipe or fluoride (fluorine) to blow dirt.

   I will introduce you to the cause of air-conditioning leakage and the solution to the dripping of air-conditioning. I hope it will help you

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