Electronic expansion valve application and installation precautions

Electronic expansion valve application and installation precautions Advantages of electronic expansion valve: The energy efficiency ratio is improved during high-frequency and low-frequency operation; the reliability of the compressor is improved, the conditions of oil return, liquid return, and exhaust temperature are too high; the operation of the whole machine is reliable, and the problems of water blowing, condensation, and overload are reduced. ; Increased adaptability to changes in refrigerant quantity; Enhanced comfort, short defrost time; Performance index of electronic expansion valve: Flow characteristic curve Reverse valve opening pressure ≥2.11MPa Application of electronic expansion valve products: Note on the use of electronic expansion valve: Installation: The valve body is the shaft, the coil is facing upward, and the vertical deviation is less than 15 degrees; Welding: proper cooling, the valve body temperature does not exceed 120 degrees; Fixation: The convex point of the coil snap and the groove of the valve body are firmly positioned; Filtration: Equipped with more than 100 mesh filters before import and export;

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