Why do industrial chillers need to replace high-quality antifreeze regularly

Why do industrial chillers need to replace high-quality antifreeze regularly

When the industrial chiller is running, there are high requirements for the use of antifreeze. Ordinary equipment cannot use high concentration antifreeze. If the concentration of antifreeze is high, it takes a long time to warm up before operating the equipment. If the preheating effect is not good, it will also affect the normal use of the industrial chiller. Therefore, when customers choose to replace the antifreeze, they need to determine the type of industrial chiller to be replaced in combination with the actual use environment and the size of the space in order to achieve the expected use effect.

  Customers reduce the risk of operating industrial chillers. The main method is to improve the cooling performance of industrial chillers. Even the same style of industrial chiller, different usage methods will have different types of effects on the industrial chiller. When many customers use industrial chillers, the equipment's operating efficiency is low due to the lack of basic maintenance and timely maintenance. Even if it consumes a lot of energy, it cannot achieve the expected efficiency. In fact, the problem of high energy consumption in industrial chillers is related to the quality of antifreeze.

  By replacing the high-quality antifreeze, the period of antifreeze maintenance can be extended. Within a period of time, the longer it can be used, the lower the customer's subsequent maintenance expenses. Effectively improve the safety of customers using industrial water chillers, and avoid frequent small faults that affect the normal use of industrial water chillers.

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