I only learned today that the dehumidification mode cannot be used indiscriminately when the air conditioner is turned on in summer, which consumes electricity and consumes compressors.

I only learned today that the dehumidification mode cannot be used indiscriminately when the air conditioner is turned on in summer, which consumes electricity and consumes compressors. As soon as summer enters, the most popular electrical appliances are all kinds of air conditioners, but for ordinary people, if the air conditioners are turned on for a long time, this high electricity bill is really worrying. At this time, there are always "experts" to remind: the air conditioner is the most energy-efficient when the dehumidification mode is turned on! It makes me want to ask, where is the theory that the dehumidification mode is more energy-efficient, so that the grandparents all over the country have unified the caliber. So, does the conclusion that the dehumidification mode of the air conditioner is more energy-efficient? Today we will explore together:

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

How the air conditioner works In fact, there are two principles for cooling air conditioners: 1. Blowing: The air conditioning cycle accelerates the evaporation of sweat on the body surface, taking away the heat from the skin. 2. Refrigeration: When the air conditioner is turned on, it is like a heat porter. The compressor of the outdoor unit runs, and the refrigerant flows into the indoor unit and absorbs heat on the evaporator, finally taking away the heat in the room.

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

The difference between dehumidification and refrigeration The refrigeration mode is to reduce the indoor temperature as the main purpose to assist in the removal of indoor water vapor; while the dehumidification mode is to remove the water vapor as the main purpose to assist in the reduction of the indoor temperature. The two are essentially different. From the specific operation point of view, the temperature and wind speed in the cooling mode are adjustable, and you can set it by yourself; while the temperature and wind speed in the dehumidification mode are not adjustable, you can only let the air conditioner run at the low temperature and low wind speed set by itself.

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

And we must know that after turning on the cooling mode, the hot air in the room will first be sucked into the fan, then cooled by the evaporator, and finally blown out to all corners. Therefore, turning on the cooling mode will cool the room faster. If the dehumidification mode is turned on, the humid air in the room will be sucked into the fan, and the excess water will be taken away through the evaporator to finally achieve the purpose of dehumidification, so the cooling effect is not so significant.

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

Can the dehumidification mode really save electricity? It can, but there are preconditions. After the dehumidification mode is turned on, the cooling area of the air conditioner is limited to the size of the evaporator. When the evaporator reaches the set temperature, the compressor stops running. Compared with the cooling mode, the compressor runs for a shorter time. In this way, it is definitely saving electrical.

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

But when the temperature is higher than 30℃, you turn on the dehumidification mode again, it will be like this: the evaporator reaches the set temperature-the compressor stops running-the evaporator temperature rises rapidly-the compressor starts to run, and this is reversed Repeatedly, not only can't save electricity, but will increase part of the power consumption. What's more serious is that due to the high temperature, the cooling speed may slow down, increase the loss of the compressor, and ultimately affect the service life of the air conditioner. Therefore, I suggest that when the indoor temperature is high enough, do not neglect the main function of the air conditioner in order to save electricity. The cooling should be turned on.

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

There is another way, maybe you can turn on the cooling mode first, let the indoor temperature drop, and then switch to the dehumidification mode, while taking into account the cooling, you can easily save a part of the electricity bill

refrigeration compressor,compressor,Mitsubishi Compressor,Bristol Compressor,HITACHI Compressor,Danfoss compressor to solve the problem

As for the dehumidification mode, it is the most suitable to use in the sultry rainy season, and the temperature is below 30℃, which will not damage the life of the compressor, but also reduce the impact of indoor humidity on the body. Now, everyone should know how to use dehumidification mode?

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